With that said, let's get started.
Part 1: Know your Enemy
There is all kinds of information out there about zombies, but what information can you rely on? Some of it seems to be very vague, and more of it, well, inaccurate. Here are a few general points you can focus on:
1. Zombies eat flesh
Be it brains, intestine, or just a chunk of your fore-arm, zombies want one thing: to take a bite out of you. They can smell meat, and like wild animals, they try anything to satisfy their hunger.

Zombies, unfortunately, were once human. While they are no longer, they still behave much like our more primitive ancestors might have. They prefer to hunt in packs, and will often wait for the cover of night. Don't expect them to operate any form of machinery, or formulate master strategies, but they will understand the element of surprise.
3. Noise and light attracts them
Light is an important part of any shelter, but you have to be careful about how much you let escape. The same goes for noise. Zombies have worse senses then they did in life, but that doesn't mean they can't hear, see or smell you. Be careful about running a gas-powered generator that makes a lot of noise, and while signal lights are great for being spotted by the authorities, at the same time, they will bring the dead to your door.
There are many, many more things to know about zombies, but this covers the basics of what you need to know. When in doubt, treat them as pack wolves. It would be a terrible mistake to underestimate them.
Part 2: The Safehouse
Whether you call it your fort, stronghold or safehouse, you'll need a place you can safely rest, eat, sleep and bathe without worrying about any sudden zombie interruption. Here are a few tips to maintaining your own stronghold, complete with a list of basic materials to allow you survival for up to a month.
1. The Location
There are many different options when choosing the location for your stronghold. Let's cover a few of the good ones, and a few basic requirements you'd need.
For one, you will need a place to sleep, a place to eat, and a place to wash up. This may seem as a no brainer (literally), but there can be some big problems when you start sharing space. Sickness can be more threatening then a sudden zombie attack.
You will also need some easy way to get to the surface world, be it to go for supplies, get some exercise, or even to escape should your fortifications be compromised. A single-entrance basement is great, but if you're suddenly blocked off by hordes of dead zombies, you'll starve, if the disease doesn't get you first.
A yard is almost a must for any permanent fortification. If it's large enough, you can attempt to plant vegetation, have an exercise area set up, a latrine, and most importantly, a place to burn bodies. A forewarning: if you allow the bodies of the infected or otherwise to pile up, it will bring all kinds of disease that will mean certain death for anyone in the stronghold.
2. Supplies
The average person needs to drink around 2-3 liters of water every day, ideally. That means that to survive, you would need, per month, about 16 gallons of water, per person. That may seem like a lot, but in reality, that's not unreasonable. You will also need water to wash clothes, cook food, water plants, or for other miscellaneous reasons. If you plan to hold out for a month, with 4 people living in the shelter, you should have about 80 gallons of water, per month you plan to stay.
You will also need some way to generate power. Generators are great, but they make a ton of noise, and have to be run outside. That can attract hordes of zombies. It's recommended that you use bicycle-powered generators. One, they're quiet. Two, they're great for exercise. Three, they don't require fuel.
Transportation is very vital for finding supplies. I know you'd be inclined to use a big truck, or some other fortified vehicle, but trust me, they use gas quick. Instead, try using bicycles for more mobile, inexpensive transport. They're fast, quiet, and a good workout.
This pretty much wraps it up for this week. Come back next Wednesday, when I cover a few more important bits of information, including Who to Bring with You, and Weapons you can Count On. Happy zombie hunting, friends!
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