Date: Monday, April 18th
Time: 7:30 pm
Theme: Martial - Characters created with the martial power source gain a bonus.
"I love being a pirate fer two very, very big reasons... see that lass o'er there?"
-Captain Goldtooth of the Highrunner
The port of Telredar was once a very, very wealthy port city, but new trade routes threatened to bankrupt the city. The recent trouble in Sancrist has seen an increase in trade, which has saved the city, but a new threat lays on the horizon.
A mysterious blackship, flying torn black sails, has been terrorizing the coasts, and sinking merchant ships leaving and entering the port. Many shipping guilds have refused to trade in the port any longer, for fear of losing more lives - or ships - to these menacing pirates.
Gamal, returning from last week, alongside Orsik the Dwarf Knight and Krixus Fanghorn the Weaponmaster, were sent to stop these attacks, and restore order to Telredar.
Meeting with the Trade Prince
The three quickly made their way to the great mansion on the horizon. There, they were escorted into the dining room, where Trade-Prince Galfax awaited them. He bade them feast as he spoke, jibing and jesting at them with every word.
Perceiving him as rude, Gamal and Krixus rose and left, but a servant bade them return. Upon their return, he proposed a game of liar's dice; if he won, then they had no buisness in his town. Should they win, however, he would give them some help on their quest.
Gamal fell out quickly, but it was Orsik who called the Prince's last bluff. The Trade-Prince explained to them the direness of the situation: the ship was the Highrunner, captained by a man named Goldtooth before his crew mutanied, leaving him, his first-mate and best friend at the bottom of the drink.
The Highrunner wasn't attacking the ships, it was cursing them. Any of his people that see the ship die three days later from a terrible, terrible curse, which the Prince had also become victim of. He showed the heroes the mark, a scar on his arm, bade the heroes to end it.
With haste, the Prince sent two guards to escort them to the corrupted cove where the ship rests.
The Cove
The Highrunner rested within a gloomy tomb; a rotten cove filled with green light and swirling mists. The dock and ship were black with rot, and the whole place smelled like death.
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Hammer-hands! |
Orsik and Krixus hurried up to the ship, while Gamal took his time. Suddenly, Gamal was ambushed by 4 ghostly crewmen, and hurried to join the others. Orsik and Krixus came to the rescue, teaming up to protect Gamal and beat the ghosts back into their cold, dark graves.
Upon reaching the Highrunner, they began to search for an ancient artifact: one the Prince had told them would end the curse. Gamal inspected one of the ship's cannons, believing it to be the fabled cannon of Griffender, but alas, it was not.
The other two searched the ship's lower decks. They found a pile of treasure, but no artifact. But then, Krixus had an idea...
He climbed to the top of the crow's nest, where he found a small metal box. After managing to get it open, they found that it contained a blackened human heart. This, they assumes, was what they sought.
After departing the ship, they were attacked by another group of crewman, who they easily defeated. After taking a short rest to gather their strength, the heroes set out to return to the Prince, and end their quest...
A black-metal portcullis dropped infront of the cove's exit, sealing them off. Before it, Captain Goldtooth himself appeared, brandishing a fancy purple hat and a large scimitar.

Orsik ran to the ship, inorder to stop the ghostly dwarf from pelting his allies with canon fire. Krixus stayed to fend off the captain, who's bitter cold heart could be felt from ten-feet away. He was quickly overwhelmed by First-Mate Skully, who came forth from the shadows and burried into the human. Gamal, confused, could do little to assist as he fell.
Orsik made his was back through, letting out a loud battle-cry, and quickly subdued the First-Mate. The Captain finally fell, and Orsik was able to revive the fallen soldier.
The three heroes returned the heart to the Trade-Prince, who was most pleased. He offered the treasure found aboard the Highrunner and the heroes' reward, and bid them farewell.
Upon leaving, Krixus stopped. He turned to the Trade Prince, and asked to see if his found had healed. The Prince raised his sleeve, showing that the scar had begun to recede. With that, the heroes went on their way.